Wednesday, May 16

Passion Pit - Take A Walk

Passion Pit is a lot the IRS. You sit and wait, impatiently, for something you've been looking for all year and juuusst about when you've given up on them, boom. They drop a little present in your mailbox. You got me again boys, you got me again.

It's not the typical catchy, synth infused fun that we expect for our Massachusetts friends but it definitely grows on you the more you listen. Nothing is certain except death and Passion Pit. Enjoy...

Take a Walk by Passion Pit

Tuesday, May 15

[Concert] M83 - Terminal 5, NY - May 10th, 2012

Between the bouncing glow of flash happy iphones and the star emblazoned lightboard, a bunch of hip Frenchies took to the NY venue, Terminal 5, to bring quite the impressive show along. Even after stops in Chicago and Coachella, Mr Gonzalez brought his uber gifted synth playing abilities hard on Friday night. Playing a gravity ridden amount of Hurry Up We're Dreaming peppered with popular tracks like We Own The Sky and his lesser known songs from his first album, such as the erratic synth slapping song, Sitting. Thanks again to Ra Ra Riot's Chris for setting it up. See you again in August, Anthony.