Sunday, October 7

Letting Up Despite Great Faults - Bulletproof Girl

I'll go ahead and call these peeps getting real popular, real quick. They may have the longest band name this side of the Mason-Dixon, but it doesn't take away from their amazing music making ability.

Their sound is carefully crafted from a blend of soothing vocals, dream pop melodies coupled with almost MIDI-like simplistic beats. The conflicting sounds work well and maintain an early M83 sound, a comparison that will likely be hard to divorce themselves from. Either way, Bulletproof Girl scratches a year long, unimpressive, musical itch I've been looking for. Listen or download below.

Kid Cudi - King Wizard

Self-produced by Kid Cudi himself, King Wizard is the newest release from his upcoming album, INDCUDI.

Tuesday, October 2

Matt & Kim - Let's Go

The ADHD Duo are back and pumped like Reeboks to release their 4th studio installment today, entitled, Lightning. Let's Go, their first single off the new album is much like a "Sunday Funday." You know those feels...just having a grand ole time on a lazy weekend afternoon but you can't stop thinking about the miserableness awaiting you the following morning. Don't let the tameness of Let's Go fool you, these wacky fools make those Monday feelings disappear with track after track of jelly-filled dopeness. Click to savor.

Monday, October 1

J. Cole + Major Lazer - Get Free Coleworld

New Major Lazer? New Major Lazer. 100% Gwen Stefani free...bananas, I know. Click below for uber dope relaxation.

Kid Cudi - Creepers

The Cleveland Kid is back 'doin his thang' with the new cut, Creepers, on Kanye West's newest release, Cruel Summer. KC remains as one of the few intelligent, creative artists out there, purposefully crafting every verse of every song as if you've plugged into a weird Cudi-shapped iPod and thumbing through his own "stream of conscious" playlist.